Space Ventures Investors
Space Ventures Investors Ltd. (SVI) has positioned itself as a one-stop shop for investors seeking exposure to emerging technology in the burgeoning space industry. Founded in 2014, SVI has built a portfolio of early-stage space ventures across various subsectors and has expertise in deal selection and portfolio management. SVI has often been the first anchor […]
Seraphim / Generation Space
Seraphim, or Generation Space for US investors, is a proper space VC fund listed on the London Stock Exchange.
RedWire Space
Redwire Space Shares give investors exposure to its space infrastructure innovations and mission success.
OHB SE is an established European space company, recently invest in by KKR the private equity company.
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin is an undisputed big dog of the space stocks, they have a massive aerospace business and a space technology division.
Terran Orbital
Terran Orbital develops space tech from CubeSats, to small satellites, and is a developer and operator of ground stations.
Rocket Lab Inc. as a space investment has many large backers; space funds and tech investors large and small.
Intuitive Machines
An investment in Intuitive Machines gives you space exploration coverage, and is focussed on the Moon and CisLunar missons.
GOMSpace is a manufacturer and supplier of nanosatellites for academic, government, and commercial markets. Services include systems integrations, nanosatellite platforms, and miniaturised radio technology.
Airbus, a European aerospace company with a large space division. Their share price is steady, and they pay a dividend.