A research platform for investing in space: Space Stocks of all sizes, Space Funds and ETFs, pre-IPOs, private companies, Crowd-Funding, NFTs, and more.

This website is made by space investors for space investors.

We aim to provide concise and strategic information on space stocks, funds, ETFs, including pre-IPO space companies.

Why do we do this?

We have been monitoring the space sector for well over 10 years, and in the last few years closely monitored the growth of space SPACS (listing on the NASDAQ) and emering space funds. There was a spectacular bubble in this sector fuelled by monetary policy and a general euphoria for space technology equities including rocket companies, earth observation, satellite makers and many of the companies that make up the strategic space value chain. There are many interesting companies that give both avid and newbie space investors access to space as shareholders. However, shareholders should be aware of the usual market antics; sky high euphoria and dead cat bounces included.

How to use this website: Filter Space Stocks by Technology and Missions

We designed this site to keep it simple for new investors, yet focussed for experienced investors, who want to know more about space stocks. Our main system is designed to filter space companies by their technology and their reach. This is important to us because some of the most innovative space stocks are in partnerships on exploratory missions that will one day unlock the resources of our solar system.

Is Space Investing for You?

The space environment is hard, it likes to devour engineers’ most elegant designs, and obliterate the capital funding audacious missions. Now that that handy Risk Warning has been stated, let’s get to the exciting part:

Without space, we are stuck on Earth, and the global economy is shrinking for a myriad of reasons; demographics, political, cyclical. Investing mania grips on to some whacky irrational concept that fail sooner or later.  So where do you do? Space.

Some people want to invest in space exploration companies, others want to ride along the journey of well known names like SpaceX, or new entrants that are developing something unique. Other investors want exposure to the technology of space and the cosiness of a blue-chip aerospace investment. By creating a balance portfolio, you can have it all.